AMID Pro Level II data furnishes real-time quotes from all the major exchanges, enables you to see bid’s and offer’s in the market and provides insight into potential points of resistance and support. You can track liquidity at each price level and quickly pre-load positions with a click of Position button or hot key.

You can create custom hot buttons to automatically send orders, configure timeframes and change display options.

AMID Pro charts are updated in real time. Real-time historical and intraday charting is available. The chart window is fully customizable and includes indicators, moving averages and other indispensable features.

You have an option to set real-time alerts based on price, time, margin and volume that notify you of important changes in the market.

AMID Pro allows you to get the latest stories that are moving the market by simple scrolling of the dynamic news window. With this feature you will always stay abreast of all important developments.

You can set up your own fully interactive option chains. By selecting multiple lines in your preferred chain, you can automatically send the matching strategy to your order entry window. Linking your chains to stock and Level II options quotes, option prints are also available

With the symbol search function, you can search any stock by simply typing the company name or symbol into the symbol box.

Time and Sales window displays all trades that have taken place for a chosen symbol. Trades are color-coded to show whether they have occurred at the Bid, at the Ask, in between the Bid and Ask, or above or below the Bid or Ask. You can link the Time and Sales window to your level 2 window.

The Top List window provides you with 50 symbols that are most active, highest gainers and losers according to price change or % change net change in real-time.

The Watch List window provides a streaming view of your preferred stocks, dynamically updating in real time. The viewable columns include Symbol, Volume, Bid Volume, Ask Volume, Exchange, High, Low and much more. You can change the order of columns and sort by any category

AMID Pro portfolio window provides real-time account and order management and includes information about all orders; open and executed orders, closed positions, realized gain/loss, buying power, and order history.